3 posts tagged with "search"

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On-site Search and SEO

Eko Aprili Trisno

Eko Aprili Trisno

Founding Engineer @ Altoshift

Every Search Engine Optimization encounters a content paradox at some point: the more quality your website content, the more useful it is, but the more difficult it is to find that content. At some point, well-designed site navigation is not enough. Not every product, article, or other content can have its own sub-menu. Not every visitor will happily spend time exploring through category-led journeys.

Altoshift gain traction

Eko Aprili Trisno

Eko Aprili Trisno

Founding Engineer @ Altoshift

Since AltoShift first released in 2018, we have gained more traction. Businesses realize the importance of search engines, but struggle to create and build it into a robust and reliable search feature for their customer, instead of creating by themselves, we offer a solution where they can integrate easy, fast, and efficient to serve their customers, and focus on their business.

Altoshift attended Plug and Play 5.0

Eko Aprili Trisno

Eko Aprili Trisno

Founding Engineer @ Altoshift

GK-Plug and Play EXPO 5.0: Leading Through Innovation

AltoShift attended GK-Plug and Play 5.0 Demo Day in October 17th 2019, at Jakarta Theatre Ballroom.

There were 18 startups, 9 Indonesian and 9 foreign startups, presenting their businesses in front of their esteemed guests, including regulators, corporates, investors, and media partners.